Category: blog

  • 10 garage organizing supplies that will change your life

    Many people use their garages as their overflow storage area for their belongings, leaving almost no space to park their car in it. With a decluttering plan and implementing systems to maximize the area, you will take back control of your garage in no time.

  • DIY Bathroom Updates on a budget

    A full bathroom remodeling could cost you $10k to $50k or even more depend on where you live. So, some DIY bathroom updates can make a significant difference in how you will spend your money, and still get the look and vibe you want. 

  • 5 easy steps for an Organized  bathroom

    5 easy steps for an Organized bathroom

    When the whole family shares a bathroom, creating an efficient organizing system that works for the entire family is essential. I will share with you 5 easy steps for a bathroom organization that works for most people when implemented right. 

  • Get ready for virtual school with a learning caddy

    Many people are getting adjusted and looking for ways to get the kids ready and organized to start the new school year remotely. If you need some ideas to organize the kids’ supplies, stay awhile. I will share with you what I included in my kids’ learning caddy. 

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  • Creating a space for kids’ virtual learning

    Creating a space for kids’ virtual learning

    We started setting up the kids’ virtual learning space in July, so we would have enough time for items to be delivered, and make sure they wouldn’t sell out just like so many items have during the pandemic. The multipurpose room in the basement was the location chosen for this set up in our home.…

  • How to Set Up a Virtual Learning Space for Kids

    How to Set Up a Virtual Learning Space for Kids

    In March, when schools closed in our area, we didn’t know what to expect, how to help the kids grow their knowledge, where to best set up their spaces so they could focus and learn, etc. With time, we all got into the new routine. We learned how to use new apps and structure our…