Decluttering the Fantasy Self

Have you heard the expression decluttering the fantasy self before? If not, let me explain it to you. In my dreams, I find myself skillfully weaving intricate patterns, possessing beautiful handwriting to make labels, and maintaining a decorated paper planner. However, the reality is that these craft supplies have been collecting dust in my drawers for over two years. 

It’s not an excessive amount, but it serves as a gentle reminder of what I am not doing, the aspirations I haven’t pursued, and the time I haven’t set aside. All those feelings can make us feel bad about ourselves sometimes. 

Now, I wonder how much of the clutter in our lives belongs to our fantasy selves rather than our true selves. Today, we will talk about the art of decluttering illusions and embracing the beautiful reality of who we are at this very moment. This idea is not easy to share, but it needs to be said. 

What’s Your Fantasy Self?

Our fantasy self is that idealized version we once thought we’d become – the homemade bread maker, the scrapbooking enthusiast, the gardener, etc. We often accumulate clothes, hobbies, and aspirations that no longer align with our present reality. I want to help you realize that today and help you let go of those items and make space for the real, current you.

How to Declutter the Fantasy Self

Accept Change

We need to acknowledge that you’ve evolved, our needs and lifestyle changed, and that’s okay and beautiful. Letting go of the illusion that you’re the same person you were ten years or even six months ago is the first step to embracing your change.

Closet Cleanse

The easiest place to start the cleanse is the closet. Bid farewell to clothes that no longer fit your current body or lifestyle. You can donate or sell items that represent a version of yourself from the past to make room for outfits that make you feel confident and comfortable today.

Release Unused Hobbies

Say goodbye to items tied to old hobbies or aspirations that no longer resonate with you or even with your kids. We, moms, tend to hold onto sports equipment, craft supplies, or unused kitchen gadgets for far longer than we should, not just because of the monetary value but also for sentimental purposes. Today, I give you the green light to free up space for activities that bring you genuine joy and are current to your lifestyle.

Lifestyle Alignment

Guilty plays a significant role in the process of decluttering the fantasy self. Maybe you are holding on to an item, or a bunch of them, because you invested a lot of money, or it reminds you of a stage of your life you really enjoy, or even because you don’t want to go to waste. Again, let go of those items that don’t fit your current lifestyle without guilt. Treadmills turned clothing racks? It’s okay to admit it’s not your thing. Did kids grow up and no longer craft or play with a particular toy? Release the judgment and create a space that supports who you are now. You can always donate those items to someone who will actually use them and enjoy them. 

Beware of Marketing Fantasies

Recognize that marketing messaging promises transformative experiences through products, and they get us to consume more. We need to be intentional with our purchases, resisting the temptation of quick dopamine rushes to buy more than we need. I like keeping an ongoing list of things I want to buy, what I need, and gift ideas. It could be just me, but adding those items to my lists gives me the same excitement as if I were buying them at the moment. I go back to the list occasionally, and if the items still bring me joy and I need them, I will buy them later. 


Embrace yourself for who you are today. That is why I created the Organize Yourself Healthy method. When you go through the step-by-step process of knowing yourself, your priorities, how you use your time, journaling your feelings, and surrounding yourself with a supportive community, it is easier to resist the comparison trap. You are uniquely you, and that’s something to celebrate.

By decluttering the fantasy self, we create space for the beautiful reality of our present selves to thrive. It’s time to release the illusions and step into the light of authenticity, where our true selves can thrive. 

Join the Conversation: Share Your Thoughts and Experiences

We’d love to hear from you! What are your thoughts on decluttering the fantasy self? Have you encountered similar challenges or had different experiences? Please feel free to share your insights, questions, or personal experiences in the comments section below. Your contributions are invaluable to our community and may inspire others or provide additional perspectives. Let’s continue the discussion and learn from one another.


Don’t forget to count on us if you need a private consultation. We can help you figure out what are the best steps to accomplish your home organizing goals. We also create a personalized shopping guide to organize that odd space or your dream garage. Send us an email or check out our Virtual Organizing Services and Hands-on Services in Baltimore!

Learn more about our Organize Yourself Healthy Method. Book available on Amazon

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Di Ter Avest

Professional organizer

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