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5 Packing tips for vacation

I love traveling! I mean, let me start over: I love visiting new places and seeing different things. Flying is not one of the things that I am thrilled about, but I love everything else related to traveling, including packing.

During my Au Pair years, I traveled a lot. I have even traveled by myself to New York, Vegas, Disney World and other places. Here are some pictures of places I visited back then. I love looking at them because they bring me so many good memories.

By traveling a lot, I have learned how to pack efficiently, to plan my outfits to take just the necessary, and to have a good system that works for me.

Nowadays, with two kids of my own, I have traveled with them, by myself, a couple of times to visit my family in Brazil. These trips were a little different. I had to pack more things than we usually need {pack n’ play and tons of diapers}, but I can proudly say I have done it.

Here are some tips to help you pack efficiently. I hope you find them helpful.  Boa Viagem! {Have a safe trip!}

Have a Master checklist – Create a master list with all of the essentials for the whole family. Print them out and put them in a plastic sheet protector. Use dry erase markers to check. Use and reuse the list.

To save you some time we already create a checklist for you and your family.

Lay everything out – Coordinate your outfits. Give preference for those that can be mix and matched. For the kids plan 1.5 outfits per day.

Use pouches – Use separate pouches to organize your clothes.Fold them nicely and make them visible like it was a drawer.

Pre-packed bags – For those who travel with frequency, keep toiletry and charges that you always need, inside your suitcase. You won’t need to re-pack them every time.

Carry-on (carry-all) – When traveling with small kids your carry-on will need to carry all. Think of snacks, toys, books, clothes for you and the kids, diapers, wipes, sippy cups, etc.

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